It was the dream of florist istanbul for us. Let me say something about our feelings. A limited number of empires evoke when it comes to civilization, history, culture, art, and love. The birthplace of modern arts, architecture, and various tastes is the Roman Empire. One foot of that empire is today's Roman city and the other is Istanbul. That is why Istanbul has always been unveiled, loved and attracted throughout history. This city is not only a cultural heritage, it also carries the smell of thousands of years, art, and all experiences. So it's just like flowers.
florist istanbul, the only city in the world that connects the two continents is Istanbul. In this respect, the city acts as a necklace or a string that wraps a bouquet. You can move between Asia and Europe in 10 minutes. In the meantime, you not only get caught in the blue of the Bosphorus but also enjoy the breathtaking architecture. The Anatolian and Rumelian Fortresses, which were once built to protect against wars, stand in front of you in all their glory. The judas trees surrounding the walls, especially in the spring, make you fall in love with this city again and again. When spring comes, the color of Istanbul is now a little green, a little blue and a little purple.
send flower to istanbul, by the end of February and the winter is over, flowers begin to decorate almost all streets. You will always feel like you are in a flower garden while traveling in Istanbul. In this city, the flower is a sign of culture, tradition, and kindness. Everyone, young and old, has flowers in front of their windows and on their balconies. The streets are always like a small arboretum. Therefore, it is not possible to think of a more meaningful gift than a flower to send to your loved ones in Istanbul and the people you care about. Florist flowers are always prepared fresh and alive in accordance with the splendor of this city. It is most beautifully made into a bouquet. It is delivered to your loved ones without any damage.